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  • 1 Year | Full Time
  • Suffolk Rural
  • Level 2 | Vocational

Course overview

Level 2 Technical Certificate in Floristry is a qualification for those aged 16-18 that are looking to start a career in the floristry industry.

You will learn about flowers, plants, care techniques, design principles, and essential tools to create professional floristry products while developing customer interaction and business skills.

You will gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge to succeed in the floristry industry or advance to further training.

Course structure

  • Two to three days on site, two days for Floristry based lessons and one day for English and/or Maths as required.
  • One day per week for a work placement with a local employer.
  • One day per week for home study and revision.

Assessment methods

  • Two multiple choice exams that are externally set and marked.
  • A Synoptic assessment, which will involve theory and practical based tasks completed under assessment conditions at college.
  • One Health & Safety multiple choice exam.
  • The completion of 150 work experience hours with a local employer.

Progression opportunities

  • Level 2 Technical Certificate in Horticulture
  • Level 3 Horticulture
  • Level 3 Floristry (19+)


Course highlights

  • Regular opportunities to plan and create floral designs
  • Well-equipped floristry department
  • Opportunity to be involved in the hosting of floral workshops and Farm Shop
  • Opportunity to compete in the Suffolk Show’s floral competition

Explore your career options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

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