The Local Offer details the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Local Offer
What we do?
1. Identify and assess learners who may need support
- EHCP’s (Education, Health and Care Plan)
- Staff referrals
- School Liaison
- Discussions between parents and staff
2. Share information with who needs to know
- Local Authority
- Previous Education Provider
- Relevant external agencies
- Student Support/ Safeguarding
3. Offer support or differentiation
- Universal support
- Targeted support
- High Need support
4. Measure progress and review the provision
What might the support look like?
- Differentiated work
- Visuals timetables/prompts
- Assistive technology
- 1:1 or group tutorials
- Parents evening/Parent reports
More Questions?
Speak to the ALS (Additional Learning Support) Team, Student Support, Progress Tutor or Link Tutor