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Inclusive Learning

At our Suffolk Rural campus, we provide inclusive learning opportunities through entry-level, level 1, and personalised programs, designed to equip you for employment, independent living, or seamless transition into college life.

Learners With Lecturer On Campus

Inclusive Learning Pathways

Route to Adulthood

Year 1
Essential Skills

Year 2
Lifestyle & Leisure

Year 3

Community Services / Inclusive Living

View all pathways graphic

Courses for you

Inclusive Learning at Suffolk New College offers a variety of learning pathways within our RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) courses.

Our RARPA courses are built based on three pathway options: 

  • Route to Adulthood
  • Route to Independence & Volunteering
  • Route to Employment

In addition to our bespoke subjects, we also offer specialised Personal Development (PD) sessions for learners. These sessions promote a broad learning experience that allows students to come to their own conclusions and find solutions independently, helping to prepare learners for college education and their next steps.

Learner Using A Lawn Mower On Campus


All of our RARPA courses are developed to meet individual learner needs.

Personalised targets are set based on EHCP outcomes and progress and achievement is celebrated through a diverse and inclusive curriculum.

All RARPA courses are designed with practical and real life applications to ensure that topics and activities are meaningful and relevant for all learners.

These activities range from cooking, independent life skills, animal care, horticulture, teamwork and personal development topics.

RARPA Student In Cooking Workshop

Supported Internships

Supported internships are for young people with EHCPs, who are ready to move into work.

This is usually the last year of education, for those that have been to college, but supported internships are available to anyone under 25 with an EHCP who has the potential to work, but needs support to access work


  • Who it’s for: Young people with EHCPs who are ready to move into employment and need support to do so.
  • Purpose: Build a bridge between education and the workplace

Help & Support

Moving from school to college can be something of a culture shock. But at Suffolk New College we’ve created a supportive, social environment where you can easily get access to the help and advice you need, make new friends and get the most out of your time with us.

student receiving support