NCFE CACHE level 3 award for special educational needs co-ordination in early years settings (SENCO)
This qualification will suit students aged 19 and over, who are currently employed as an Early Years Level 3 practitioner with experience in this role. It would suit learners who are currently working as or hope to move into the role of SENCO in an early years PVI setting.
The course consists of 2 units. The units include topics such as the role of the SENCO, legislation and frameworks which underpin SEN practice, the importance of working with parents and other professionals, the broad types of SEND, models of disability, implementing the graduated approach, how to make use of the local offer, the importance of consistent CPD and training for professional development, supporting your team in matters of SEND, processes of EHCPs, and case studies such as supporting families to overcome barriers, working with children and families with EAL, supporting transitions and supporting “looked after children”.
This qualification is a good choice for you if you are currently working as a SENCO, or looking to move into this role. The PVI early years SENCO will use crucial leadership skills to mentor others across all matters in SEND and having a nationally recognised qualification such as the CACHE level 3 award ensures graduates have the confidence, skills and knowledge to be competent in this specialist role.
Students can enrol on this course at any point in the academic year.
Course Cost: £350