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Equine (Horse Care)

  • Full Time
  • Suffolk Rural
  • Level 1 | Vocational

Course overview

Course Information

Level 1 Diploma in Land Based Studies (Equine) is a full-time vocational course studied over 1 year, 3 days a week. The qualification aims to provide a sound knowledge and skills base covering horse care, which will allow progression to further learning or qualifications or onto employment opportunities. If you are looking for a more practical-based course but have little experience with horses or perhaps you didn’t gain the GCSE grades you were hoping for, then this is the course for you.

Course Structure

This course offers a blend of theory, practical task-based learning, tutorials and embedded employability skills.

Modules included in this qualification are: Safe and effective working practices in land-based industries, develop own performance, assist with maintaining the health of horses, assist with the movement handling and accommodation.

Work Experience

There is a work experience element to this course and a minimum of 60 hours of external work experience needs to be logged to pass this aspect of the study programme. There is support available to assist learners with obtaining a placement that is suitable and equine-related.

Assist with the preparation for exercise and aftercare of horses and work experience in land-based industries.

Assessment Methods

To achieve this qualification, students will be assessed using a range of practical demonstrations and written assignments which will be used to complete a portfolio of evidence, plus 2 multiple-choice GOLA exams.

English & Maths

Students who do not hold a Grade 4 (GCSE Grade 4) in Maths or English will be required to undertake these subjects alongside their equine course. You will be asked to complete an initial assessment for English & Maths and a diagnostic assessment. This will enable us to enrol you on the most appropriate English & Maths level.


Completion of the Level 1 Diploma in Land Based Studies (Equine) students can go straight into industry onto jobs such as assistant yard groom.

Alternatively, students may progress onto the Level 2 Technical Certificate in Horse Care or an apprenticeship.

Days of Study

The course is run over 3 days at college and then a further day is required at an external work placement. Current days of study are yet undecided as students will be grouped depending on grades obtained, Maths & English requirements, and support needs.

Explore your career options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

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