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ePass & ePass+

Suffolk New College has an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ grade for the personal development for our learners. We have a bespoke digital platform which develops essential skills for the workplace and is available in two versions:

  • ePass for learners– This is designed to support you in developing your employability skills by providing you with a framework of essential skills that you will be able to practice and develop as part of your work placement, work experience, mandatory vocational placement or industry work placement and in some cases work related activities/projects.
  • ePass+ for the workforce – This is designed for adults to develop crucial soft skills required in the workplace.
ePass logo

What is ePass for Learners?

Supported through your Professional Development sessions, and complemented by your vocational curriculum, you will explore the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for employment in your chosen career.

The e-PASS focuses on how to prepare you for your route to employability, which may include next levels of education including higher education and training as pathway to your intended career destination.

There are 5 strands within the e-PASS each of which has a range of skills which you will be able to develop to demonstrate how you are developing your employability skills to be work ready. You will capture your progress in developing these skills within GroFAR – where you will assess yourself in the early stages of your course, set targets to achieve and review your progress at the end.

A learner watching electrical demonstration by the lecturer.

What is ePass+ for the workforce?

Recognising the profound impact of continuous growth on individual success and organisational prosperity, ePASS+ offers a comprehensive toolkit tailored to empower your workforce. The platform gives employees insights into their personalities, learning styles and motivations, creating a more profound understanding that serves as the foundation for transformative development.

With a dedicated focus on soft skills, ePASS+ equips your team with resources to enhance leadership, delegation skills, and decision-making.

The ePASS+ Award Program stands as a hallmark feature, guiding employees through a curated series of tasks to develop essential soft skills such as communication, positive work ethic, and teamwork. Beyond this, the platform offers additional tools for ongoing development, allowing employers to tailor support based on specific needs.

For more information and latest prices, please contact Kayleigh Norris, Head of Careers & Adult Personal Development on 01473 382860 or

Adults in a meeting room