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Land-based Machinery & Operation

Do you use land-based machinery as part of your job?

Our land-based machinery and operations courses will teach you maintenance and safe operational skills which will support you to use them competently, efficiently and safely, helping to prevent accidents and minimise machinery downtime.

You will learn these skills at our bespoke land-based Suffolk Rural campus set in the heart of the countryside surrounded by fields, giving you the opportunity to learn on the type of land you may be working on. Our courses range from tractor driving, ATV’s, forklifts, excavators and brush cutters and more.

Tutor demonstrating skill in the workshop

On Demand and Bespoke Training Offer

We can offer the below courses on demand with sufficient numbers.

  • Tractor Driving & Related Operations
  • Safe Use of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
  • Forklift Truck Operations
  • Safe Use of Tractor Mounted Hedge and Verge Cutters
  • Tractor Maintenance
  • Landbased Excavator above and below 10 ton
  • Safe Use of Brush-Cutters and Trimmers
  • Safe Use of Abrasive Wheel Machines

If you would like more information about these courses or would like to enquire about a bespoke training solution please email or call 01473 382600 where we can discuss all of our training options with you.

Learners working on a Yellow JCB tractor

Looking to earn while you learn?

On an apprenticeship you’re employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification – usually for one day a week at College.

A photo of the Ipswich campus.