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Uniformed Public Services

  • 1 Year | Full Time
  • Suffolk New College (Ipswich)
  • Level 2 | Vocational

Course overview

The study programme is designed to provide you with the basic skills, knowledge, and understanding required for entry into the Public Services (uniformed) e.g. Police, Military, Fire Service, Health Service, and HM Customs.

The programme consists of a combination of classroom-based taught lessons; visiting speakers actively employed in the Public Services, and practical and physical activities, for example, leadership and teamwork tasks in Thorpe Woodlands, Tunstall Forest, and local parks.

The qualification prepares you for employment in Public Services and develops team skills, leadership skills, and a wide range of employability skills relevant to a broad range of sectors in the world of work. You will also undertake 30 hours of work experience or work-related learning. Assessment of the course includes written coursework, presentations and two externally set exams of one hour each.

All students who have not achieved a grade 4 (C) or above in GCSE English or maths will need to study these subjects alongside their chosen qualification.

A fee of £200 will be required to cover trips and expeditions expenses.

Course highlights

  • Civilian and public service workplace
  • Voluntary work
  • Hands on experience
  • Enhance job prospects
  • Practical activities
  • Build leadership/ teamwork skills

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