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Landscaping and Garden

  • 1 Year | Full Time
  • Suffolk Rural
  • Level 2 | Vocational

Course overview

The City and Guilds Level 2 Technical Certificate

The horticulture sector is made up of many diverse industries delivering the science, art, technology, and business of ‘growing plants’. The careers within horticulture are varied and range from crop production (fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees & shrubs, and glasshouse crops), to landscaping, garden design, and sports turf.

Horticulture has a massive part to play in the future of our planet and the living things on it. From the food we eat, the sports we play, caring for the conservation of our environment, and the creation of beautiful spaces for our own humanity and health & well-being.

The potential is vast and if you’re ambitious, there is real scope to progress in this industry, have a fantastic, worthwhile, enjoyable career, and make a real difference to the future of our planet.

What will you be doing on the course?

You will practice a wide range of skills on the course including:

  • Laying paving and blocks
  • Preparing areas for landscaping, setting out, and groundwork.
  • Planting areas, turf maintenance, and renovation.
  • Plant identification
  • Soil improvement
  • Plant propagation

Students will work on a work placement either in landscaping, estate gardens, nurseries, or retail.

16-18 year olds only

Assessment is through practical synoptic assessment, an exam, and a landscape practical assignment.

Course highlights

  • Plant and Turf Maintenance
  • Hard Landscape Construction
  • Basic Garden Planning
  • Machinery Operations
  • Practical Projects
  • Health & Safety

Explore your career options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

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