Staff and students at Suffolk New College and Suffolk Rural are backing Ipswich Town to win ahead of the derby match on Saturday.

In addition to that – two residents of the animal unit at Suffolk Rural are also right behind the mighty blue and white army.
The residents – Bob the rabbit and Yoshi the tortoise – were tasked with stepping up to pick a winner of the upcoming East Anglian match-up.
The college created its own homage to Paul the Octopus, the psychic sea creature that had the knack of correctly predicting results during the 2010 FIFA World Cup, and placed some food on a table alongside an Ipswich badge and a Norwich badge in the animal studies building facility.
After a bit of deliberation – both Bob and Yoshi chose Ipswich to claim victory.

Head of marketing at the college, Craig Shimmon said: “We tried something similar during the World Cup in 2018 but it didn’t bring England much luck”

“Hopefully the psychic powers of Bob and Yoshi will help the Tractor Boys finally beat Norwich after 14 years.”
This is a YouTube link showing Bob and Yoshi predicting a win for the Super Blues: