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College supports National T Level Week

News overview

Current student says studying a T Level ‘was the best decision I ever made’

A college community came together to back T Level qualifications as part of a national campaign.

Taking place this week – national T Level week has been created by the Department for Education to raise awareness of these programmes.

Suffolk New College was one of the first providers in the country to offer T Level qualifications to students when they launched a new design, surveying and planning for construction pathway in 2020.

Eleven learners signed up and they all successfully passed this qualification in August 2022.

Two of those students (Liam Earley and Billy Thatcher) visited Westminster to talk through their experiences with MP’s and Ministers at an event earlier this year.

The College also teamed up with Jimmy’s Farm and Morgan Sindall to give work experiences to students on the construction T Levels and now teaches around 60 students these qualifications across their four campuses.

Since 2020, the College based in Ipswich has expanded their options and now offers pathways in, childcare, digital, health and science.

As part of the national campaign, students who are currently on a childcare and health T Levels were keen to reflect on why these programmes are worthwhile.

William Lambert, 17 from Ipswich is also studying a T Level in Health. William said: “I originally did A levels and decided they weren’t for me. Because T Levels are more hands on, I retain information better. Ultimately education is what’s best for you but this was the best decision I ever made.”

17 year old Rebecca Josselyn from Ipswich is studying childcare. Rebecca said: “It opens up opportunities because of the work placements that you go on.”

Liam Earley, 17 from Ipswich said: “T Levels give you the balance of work experience and the classroom. It’s like A levels and an apprenticeship at the same time.”

Tanner Minter, 17 from Hadleigh is on a health T Level course and will be able to make use of a brand new state of the art centre that will open in the spring of 2023 and include a number of state of the art facilities including a mock hospital ward.                        

Tanner said: “We are going to start work placements at Ipswich Hospital soon which is great as I want to be a paramedic. I’m looking forward to helping people in the local community.”                           

Deputy Principal, Alan Pease said; “We are delighted to support National T Level week. The programmes are growing in stature and are a unique way of mixing study and work that can lead to further study or employment.”

(Next month, Alan will be travelling with a former student of Suffolk New College (Sam Corneby) to the House of Lords as part of T Level celebration event).

Posted 14 October 2022