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Travel to Leiston On The Coast

You’ll find us at:

Suffolk New College – On The Coast (Leiston)
Seaward Avenue
IP16 4BG

OTC Campus 3


School Buses are provided from various locations to Suffolk New College – on the coast under the Suffolk County Council (SCC) School Travel Policy. All students using SCC funded school travel will have to opt-in to the service each year by no later than the 31st May to ensure that the transport provision is in place by the start of the new academic year in September. If you apply after 31st May, there is no guarantee that your transport provision will be in place for the start of the new academic year.

Please see for further information.

Inside of a public bus

Financial Support

The College offers bursary schemes to enrolled students which offers assistance with kits, travel to College, uniform, college trips and other course materials.

Female learner reading a book in the College library