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College has ‘hairlarious’ time in support of Red Nose Day 2022

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Staff and students from both the Suffolk Rural and Ipswich campus had a ‘hairlarious’ time this week when they wore wigs for Red Nose Day.

Those who got involved paid money to don silly barnets for the benevolent cause.

Skills for Life and Independence students helped organised a tombola, and in total, both efforts raised over £100.00 for the annual charity campaign.

Organiser of activity at the College was Cherese Bradnum.

The Inclusive Learning Lecturer, said:

“There is lots going on in the world right now. Because of this, the college raises money for various charities throughout the year.

“Only last week, we created an ongoing campaign for the people of Ukraine and last year we supported the NHS.

“In addition to these campaigns, we always support Red Nose Day and Comic Relief at the College and we were delighted to be able to help out again this year.”

Posted 14 March 2022