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Uniform & Equipment

Some courses at the College require uniform, equipment or PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

We have outlined below what uniform and equipment is required for which subject areas.

A photo of the uniform worn by chef learners in Catering & Hospitality

Catering & Hospitality

How do I order my uniform and kit?

Each learner will purchase the uniform and kit from a wholesale company/supplier, details of which will be available after you have enrolled. We require you to wait until after enrolment before placing your order in case factors affect your enrolment, such as not meeting the entry requirements. Once enrolled you should purchase your relevant uniform and kit within the first two weeks of learning.

The supplier for SCCA is Russums

Financial Support

The College offers bursary schemes to enrolled students which offers assistance with kits, travel to College, uniform, college trips and other course materials.

Female learner reading a book in the College library