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Creative Writing

  • 10 Weeks | Leisure Learning
  • Suffolk New College (Ipswich)
  • Leisure Learning | Leisure

Course overview

This course is designed to give you time and space to write. The course content will cover everything from sentence-level technical skills to developing and structuring a narrative. You will develop characters, build worlds and settings, weave themes and motifs into your work, and explore the possibilities of language, in both fiction and creative non-fiction.

Creative writing is a wonderful endeavour when shared with like-minded people, so the course will give you an opportunity to meet other writers, see their work and gain their perspective on your work. This type of feedback is invaluable, and as such, this course is face-to-face and based in a classroom. Whether you write as a pastime, or as a vocation, this course will help you develop as a writer, and be part of a lively writing community.

Required materials: a writing implement and a good notebook, preferably A4.

Campus: Ipswich

Day and Time: Wednesday evening 6.30-8.30pm

Course Cost: £125

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